Birth (365 after and exciting news!)

The 27th of July 2018.

Today, my blog celebrates its first birthday,
365 days after the creation of the blog and
my first post which I can still relate too :
My heart needed somewhere to free
my thoughts and emotions,
from taking the space necessary to breathe
I needed a place to create
without boundaries
because my soul was and still is red
(so is my heart)
and the blog was born.

The 27th of July 2017 corresponds to the beginning of a journey
I never thought I would be on.
yet I am so thankful for its existence
and wouldn’t change
its colour
for anything.

I am forever grateful
For the inspiration that breathes in me,
The incandescent passion that fills me,
When I see art, love or life

I am thankful for the support that you gave me,
Throughout the year,
You have inspired me and motivated me
By sending your gentle love.
Thank you for helping me
Grow as an artist,

This is the beginning of our journey
And art.
Thank you.

As you may have realised
I took a break for two months
in order to recover from the exams (which I passed!!),
and feel grounded and inspired again.

And I am using this opportunity, to tell you some exciting news!
I am finally coming back online,
With new posts on Wednesdays!
And the great project that I have talked about on my Instagram, will finally be revealed at the end of the month of August, so keep your eyes peeled for that. It is a completely new approach from what I usually create. I hope you will enjoy it!

Cadmium red (M) xx

You can find me on

I have deleted my blog newsletter because I thought it wasn't very uselful. Thank you EVER so much for the ones who subscribed, it means a lot to me <3


  1. super happy for you!!!!!!!!!!
    hey also i deleted instagram. i am so tired of that app and going there doesn't make me feel good
    hopefully we can figure out a way to talk!
    would love to talk by email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank youuuuu hun!
      Yes, I feel you, Instagram can be so draining at times, I truly enjoy taking breaks away from it. Disconnect to reconnect.
      Alright! Sure we can talk by email!!
      Love you xx


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